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9:32 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009


You see the potential in others. Very often, in fact, potential is all you see. In your view no individual is fully formed. On the contrary, each individual is a work in progress, alive with possibilities. And you are drawn toward people for this very reason. When you interact with others, your goal is to help them experience success. You look for ways to challenge them. You devise interesting experiences that can stretch them and help them grow. And all the while you are on the lookout for the signs of growth—a new behavior learned or modified, a slight improvement in a skill, a glimpse of excellence or of “flow” where previously there were only halting steps. For you these small increments—invisible to some—are clear signs of potential being realized. These signs of growth in others are your fuel. They bring you strength and satisfaction. Over time many will seek you out for help and encouragement because on some level they know that your helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling to you.

The irony.

Light and spread fire.
Ignite passion or destroy faith?
Time shall answer that.

Yesterday was reflecting in the rain, and only saw myself drowning.
'cause I am denying and isolating myself from what I like to do.
And for that, 6 years. ++. It's a loop I guess, and I will never get out of that rat race.

And do hurl your insults at me, because I do understand your sentiments, but I have my own reasons for doing some things, and decisions are never meant to be popular, but beneficial. In my own opinion of course.

Or perhaps, I should have given up that silly hope long time ago.
Just my wishful thinking perhaps. Perhaps.
And just let us all rot, for one more year.

Such times do get me listening to music, so I could blind myself by plugging my ears.
And forget everything, think about nice, and enjoy the little moments in life more.

Irony of the situation.

3:35 AM
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nothing eventful happened today.
Nothing I guess, except in the mind perhaps.
Wasted another day doing nothing except for a pathetic essay. In the end I did not refer to xhttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=2157217165202089984&postID=1610660466903607729r's copy lol!

Hmm, one more challenge to overcome I guess, if only somebody took the burden off me.

Sigh. Another comic relief video... Hmm, videos can't work for now wad the..

And when can I ever express thru art again.

8:09 AM
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Feel pissed off. Totally. Plans screwed. Life screwed. Ggified. Nice one.

Posting a vid later for comic relief.

Apparently Sandra de students never wear gloves wdf.

2:07 AM
Monday, July 20, 2009

Looks like I am stuck in the vicious cycle of posting in nocturne times...
Okay, I would start from what I did in Friday.

Basically, 3S4 people were stabbed by my dear Chinese teacher to do Chinese debate for the last 10 minutes of it. And my role was the army medic who scammed the victim to pay more money to me :)

And Shen Yang's role was the middlemen. And I was supposed to defend myself, so basically I pushed all the blame to Shen Yang, and niaoed him at the same time for fun. Not bad, impromptu until quite fun haha. Then the rest of the lessons proceeded as usual.

Then it was EP3. Went to Victoria Theatre to watch the Chinese Drama matinee. Err, I do not know who was the smart one, but one of the teachers sold the tickets to non-Huagang people as well, leading to the whole Secondary 3 batch to sneak in illegaly to find seats to sit down. After much awkward moments, we finally find seats that were unoccupied =.=. Apparently some people were very pissed with this incident, including me duh.

For the shows itself, not bad bah. Well, Nanyang's script was much better than all the other schools, which was the reason why they acquired a GwH. Their acting skills never sucked, but their lights ah, lmao. Okay, then our own show was able to win much laughter, which was good. While the significance of the show was probably not brought out, but at least the audience enjoyed it, and that is the most important IMO. =D I remembered there was a show about the sister being a robot, that show concept quite cool, but too bad it sucked. The actors in robot outfit were great, and I wondered how long did they make the props. Then at the night show, Bartley Secondary de drama was damn funny. The fat actor was damn gl, which was good for his role. The insane guy also acted until damn zai lol, those 2 were the core of the show. Is seriously damn funny also. Especially when the 2 of them keep doing repeated actions for first 5 minutes, which was retarded as well. Oh well, it had no meaning but it was funny.

And I regretted buying popcorn chicken, so scam and not nice to eat. I was still hungry after eating my meal. wth.

Saturday, had ExCo meeting. Just when I thought there was a full meeting... That was why the duration of the meeting was cut short again haha. Shall start to drill screws into their head next time. Then, me CJ XR HC ML continued on our art project... And then after I made a holy call, we realised 50% of what we did was fei. LMAO. After all that cutting and marking. Fine, we sort of slacked a lot haha. Then at the poolside, I saw James. He was smiling at me and CJ asked if there was meeting just now, then I rofl. =.= Apparently he woke up late lol.

And feels Naruto is getting more stupid.

Okay, after that, I wasted the whole day MHing and PvZing.

Today, same thing, managed to do ydxd and 4 blogposts FTW!

With many homework left...

After watching the Friday show, I had some feelings... Hmm, feeling reminiscent of the stage, wanting to be on it again, doing stuff I enjoy with friends.
And most importantly, I felt the desire to act again. =/ But I know I never will, why? Because I am chairman which means I will be technical director. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to reject the Chairman position...
I am not a person who soughts for such positions, that becomes just part of a memory in a few years' time. But the reason why I did not reject it in the end was because I knew many people would vote me (juz because I had more experience), and I did not want to disappoint them.

But I know, I do want to act, to be in the centre of attention. But that's never possible again...

4:23 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009

My 10th POST! Woots, and all 10 are posted in wee hours yay!

Okay, I phailed at homework for past 2 days and did nothing, including ydxd. =/ Considering that I still have so much to do haiz.


ExCo meeting, well shan't comment on that. Every 5 minutes something happened haha. Wonders when there will be a full meeting with everybody there. Don't wanna flare up too soon.

Okay, now for initials.

Me, CJ and some HC guy went to shop at bugis (since when i did that). We were late lol! Sorry SY! Really sorry to let u wait 45 minutes due to communication error + we lagging. Den ML came too. Yay. Okay, walked to several places with sy feeling damn sian. Hmm, den he started question us some stuff which we learnt many things abt shopping =/

That's not the main point. Basically after that we went to find a place. A place that is existent in the realms of ky's imaginations and yellowpages. Walked through the whole lane for it to only find nothing. SY was kind and gave us a cab ride. Thanks the taxi driver for driving 5 of us too :)

Err, I saw the fated bus stop whr I woke up when I overslept at 74 hmm. Very memorable haha! Yeah? That was during Secondary 1 Cantonese Street hmm. Figure that out yourselves wahaha.

Okay, then we went to Yio Chu Kang to start our OBS land expedition. We learned how important geography is, and to have a scale. Apparently in the map somewhere seems to be very near, so we walked and walked. CJ failed to trip my shoelaces haha! And continued walking.. think we walked about 1km... Then cursing... Then SY -_-". So thr goes another cab ride which drove thru another 500m pl0x.

We were then in a deserted horrendous ulu area which seems to have been evacuated due to H1N1. The place we wanted to go was locked. And I suggested knocking the door, then somebody said, how was it possible to lock the place and go inside? The place looks like it's haunted. Err...

Okay, SY took another cab home, rest of us went to AMK Hub at 4.45 to eat. Fine, we went to a market. Talked thr abt random stuff for 2 hours. And went home :) It was fun for me yeah!

3:52 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009

Okay, school is very screwed.
Firstly, it is extremely hard to attempt to finish my homework.
Secondly, we are now mobile like HP classes just because of one idiot who said he wants to have lessons in clocktower. And look, you like it right?
Thirdly, with my current workload, can't help my group on SRP =/ Feel guilty about this haiz.
Fourthly, I currently do not have enough time to do what I want, or what I am supposed to either. Sigh

Basically I am now sleeping in the day during the lessons yay. Every period you will see me doze off. And I do not get what the teacher is talking about anymore...

Okay, something more interesting would be Wednesday I guess.

Mr. Lim had forgotten that the holy short ones have short legs and thus isn't as agile as him. Well, I had fever and ate laksa there. Epic. And my fever subsided when I went home... o.0
And there, I need to bring the tiger glue to school today haiz.

Hopefully, H1N1 doesn't spread about in the school.

And please wait a few more days before I start to post about holidays =X

Time, a lifeless entity...
seeping through my hands
sapping on my life.

And impeding me as a being.

Wish for a better day and weekend ahead I guess...

4:08 AM
Monday, July 6, 2009

Today I slacked throughout despite knowing about the amount of my homework =/
And I became a journeyman in mousehunt =D Okay, that's random haha. Was having a convo with Joseph using facebook o.0 Lol, let's see who gets the map first!

Applying the medicine was still toture as always and half of my feet became white due to me forgetting something.

I did Chinese article review in the end.

So I am left with Chinese MCQ, Chemistry Revision, 4 Biology Test Papers, 4 Maths Worksheets, 2 / 3 Biology WOrksheets. Should be able to finish I guess...

Nothing special happened today haha!

Oh ya for those who dunno, my msn dp made by me! This blogskin too! And the random rantings below count too!

Short drizzles and pours
Holding a dull umbrella
Covering the sky

3:37 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ah, I have another addiction - Mousehunt.

Yan Perng, your fault hor!! Lol, you talk to the forum people very fun de haha, because you won't get to meet any people who will piss you off, or say any disturbing words. It's a friendly community haha. Fine, the gameplay is still playable lol!

Oh ya, before I forget

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Yan Perng, Jun Hao and Joseph!!!!

Haha, enjoy your lives in 24 hours =D

Erm, I have not done any homework yet again... Haha!

Had ExCo meeting, which not everybody was present and hence I saw no point in further discussion yet...
Hopefully there would be a full meeting next time.

Then well, I just realised that like they are scared of calling Mr Yang? Hmm, while you should respect him, fearing him seems to be a bit...
Have to call him today again!

Talking to Yan Perng on MSN and Facebook on the same time is quite fun, at least it burns off time. And dear Yi Hai lent me 200k! Haha.

Okay, my leg's much better now.

Hmm, that's it I guess.

Tuesday is what I look forward to. Guess seeing friends face-to-face much more fun ya? Coz you get to see people doing stupid acts and ziowning, be it yx or yz, it's the same! And being pestered by teachers to do homework and daoing them can be fun too...

If only there was more time to do more things... guess nothing I can do about it.

Feeling Happy
And doing what you enjoy
That is life.

2:25 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009

Lalala... I shall start blogging about homework sianz.

Okay. Here's the list:

3 Mathematics WS on Coordinate Geometry
Biology Animal Nutrients WS (Crossword)
Biology Animal Digestion WS
Chemistry Revision WS
4 Biology Past Year Exam Papers

I actually have not done finish the English blog posts, hopefully I will finish them soon.
Hmm i am worried about Biology.
I shall do Chinese e-learning + 2 blog posts later.

Or mayb lesser... mayb more.

For those who are wondering what my MSN and facebook status is all about...

Basically, for the past few weeks (yes it is that long), part of my feet's skins are starting to rot. And being a sensitive muscle, it feels uncomfortable.

And about last Saturday, the condition worsened, the wound started turning black.
And I applied a strong ointment (Imba version of 风油 = 青草药)
Guess what, the meat that was exposed became blood red. ._. And when I walked it started to feel pain.

So today, my mom went to get medicine from a very good Chinese doctor.
Yellow insoluble substance + vinegar + facial pad + plastic bag to wrap.

Results: Spammage in Cheng Jun's MSN, expressing thru words the unbearable pain, virtual screams, pluz short agony expressions at home...

To imagine the pain I gone thru, err.. It's like

grazing ur feet (about 2 hours)

And I remove the wrappings and shout in happiness.

Okay, that's it for the saga.

Some facebook filler:

VELLEITY, Your robot name is :

V.E.L.L.E.I.T.Y.: Versatile Electronic Lifeform Limited to Exploration, Infiltration and Thorough Yelling

Velleity has many meanings because it is an uncommon word to be used. For those who do not know search the net.

I like the robot name haha.

Bound by limits.. still exploring, still challenging the horizons, and yelling in the process.

Somehow this describes how I am feeling recently. And what I want to do.

"All you need to do is, to set your heart fully into it, nothing more and nothing less. That's how you make wonders and create miracles."

hopefully, my artistic sense will come back haha.

In terms of huagang impossible, my acting degrades every year haha! Guess you all know that anyway.

3:59 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009

You know it's bad when your first few blog posts end off with homework.

But oh well, this is life right?

English Blog Posts
3 Mathematics WS on Coordinate Geometry
Biology Animal Nutrients WS (Crossword)
Biology Animal Digestion WS
Chemistry Revision WS
4 Biology Past Year Exam Papers

Okay, tomorrow I shall do...
English Blog Posts (8 blog posts in 6 hours, will I survive?)
3 Mathematics WS on Coordinate Geometry (unsure how do)

E-learning seems slack yay. Today is Maths (which failed 2 times.), IHC (which we are unable to do anything really constructive) and Biology.
Oh ya, and Chinese which is ongoing discussion.

And in Friday, everything about biology will be finished.

Hmm... ideas are just still ideas. Words are still words.

Time is flowing away... No matter how hard I chase, no matter how hard I try, time is forever out of my reach, out of my wilful dreams.

3:49 AM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Okay, I added more links of my frenz in primary sch. Hmm, right now like everybody dao each other le haiz. Was missing the times when me and jiajian doodle and draw for no reason...

I bet 90% of the links all I never keep in contact o.0. Haha.
Kinda envious of people who actually still really keep in touch with their primary school friends.

Okay, today 2nd day of homelearning. I actually did work wow.
But my attempt to complete a part of my holiday homework failed due to English being too terrifying.

For now, gaze at my searing hw list =D:
2 EF Comprehension AS *bugs Xin Rui for no reason*
English Blog Posts
3 Mathematics WS on Coordinate Geometry
Biology Animal Nutrients WS (Crossword)
Biology Animal Digestion WS
4 Biology Past Year Exam Papers
Chemistry Revision WS
Biology Mindmap

Okay... now for this...

Jonathan says:
hi hanyang
i am jonathan, vice-chair of EDC
found out that you're the incoming chair for CDC so ya would like to direct a request to you

moonlitez - is stuck at english says:
lol k
is it regarding the guest performance?

Jonathan says:
er nope
its about borrowing some stuff
can i like borrow some cheena manuals
you know
like those in TanKK period one

moonlitez - is stuck at english says:
tink it will b ok
i try to confirm asap
den mayb next week pass u

Now seeking huagang de pple(viewing my blog de only like 3 hahaha) de comments:

Should I lend them the books Han Cheng did on risk of them being mistreat?
Song Yi voted no lol.

I voted yes, since we in same production and it will be obviously a lie if we say we need it for smth else or make us look ugly haha.
and obv cdc in edc production is a joke already.

Okay anyway, if need lend need write contract. So if spoil we gg they gg oso.

Oh ya, my feet seems to be rotting away. I pulled out the dead skin and guess what, my feet bled. Err, walking is now painful for me. Haiz.

Feeling bored. Not tired. Like always. Dunno, like from P6 I become nocturnal.

LIKE the time.

♠ My World ♠
Wants to imagine, wants to dream...
and to turn them into reality

That is why, Velleity
♦ My Dreams ♦
Happy, Fun, and living life to the fullest...
♦   Luvs   ♦
My family, my friends, my life. 华岗
♦ words... ♦

ShoutMix chat widget
♦   frenz~   ♦

Shen Yang
Yuan Zhi
Zong Chen
Shuang Xing
Jun Hao
Yi Bin


Xin Rui
Cheng Jun
Han Cheng
John Lim
Ting Jun
Long Jian
Yu Zhou - Dead blog
Xue Zheng
Shien Yang
Zhi Hao
Ding Han
Jing Song


Jia Jian
Zhi Ying
Wei Ren
Yin Hui
Yee Xing Crystal


Si Ting
Yong Sheng
狂欢二笑 - Dead blog
Yun Zhu
IMMAturish People - Almost dead blog
Hui Yi
June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009
design: © moonlitez 2009
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skin: moonlitez