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12:47 AM
Sunday, August 23, 2009

I survived two weeks of sparta.
Slept for over 6 hours in the afternoon. And sleeping right after this post.

Time for a rest, I guess.

3.0 MSG is quite a blow. Aiming for <2.0, definitely possible if I didn't slack for 2 terms.

Shall shut up about the rest of my life for now :)

8:53 PM
Sunday, August 16, 2009

MSN having some major problems for me. For some reason, it is totally screwed when I am in the middle of a conversation basket.


A vicious cycle indeed. Why did I not have the courage to reject then?

"it is better to be the one receiving the orders than the one barking it." - somebody you all could guess.

Let's see where the waves push me to for a while before I decide.

10:26 PM
Saturday, August 15, 2009

1 more day to 1st Anniversary of Yiyun haha.

Though it wasn't really that awesome, but it was fun and we pulled it off! With a mere dedicated ExCo.

Hopefully by next year, it would not be that centred anymore.
Hopefully is a wrong word. It would be.

2 more days to Cheng Jun's birthday.
Other than helping me do sk, thanks for being that efficient and kind haha.

1 more week to freedom.
Just a little more.

10:09 PM

Chemistry in the end got an A2. ^^
IHE was screwed though. So I think no more 2.0.
And means I will be getting >2.0 MSG for the first time =X Yang will slaughter me.


Today's lesson was a success. Partly because there were not many people and most of them were obedient. A bliss in disguise.

Although first time use Drama Centre also quite useless because we doing props haha. Got to play with lights. And I just realized English Drama is damn screwed, never lock control room, never lock linkway from props to drama centre. So that means if next time very boring I can hack Drama Centre easily lol.

And please spray black paint on our platform.

Next time we spray on ur room then you know.
And please leave your door wide open LOL. Thanks for letting us use some of your tools.


And I am very pissed at how some people work. And how some people just want their names up there and in the end slack. And after that they still get shameless about it. And how some people just want to act professional like he knows everything. And still be shameless out there.

It is DAMN, and I mean DAMN DAMN DAMN irritating when I am working with them. SERIOUSLY MAN, PEOPLE, IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS TO ME, you might as well bloody TELL ME FIRST.

I sometimes question, why did you want this in the first place if you are not going to be committed and piss me off.

I rather just obliterate those useless titles and just tank than you come and spoil it shamelessly and shine your name.


Sorry Xin Rui for tanking a week =/
Was slacking + resting a while due to some people.

Oh wait, almost forget CJ oops.

Lol, he tio stabbed by me also.


10:00 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Firstly, let's address academics.

Chemistry, I have 2 careless mistake, in which one of them led to another question being wrong. But if those are the only mistakes + I got bonus mark, means I juz nice 28/30. And what does that mean?
It means an A1!

Okay, that was optimistic :D
But I am prepared to fail haha. Just wishful thinking would help me in my next test :).

Now, still at academics.

Well, I now kinda think that academics are seriously useless. As in, it prepares you for a certain future. It helps to drive you there. You work so hard for all these years, to not worry your parents, to at least have something under your name, and what do you get? An unwanted future.

It's about time we people start to think what we want to accomplish in our lifetime. Some are still uncertain. I have friends whom I know are sure of theirs, getting ready to be saddistic doctors whatsoever.

Hmm, but when I think about my own interests, harsh reality sets in. Just because of my hard work, I am now trapped in an environment that isolates me from my dream.

Oh well, now is too late to ponder. Suppose that is how fate works. And for now, just continue to work hard. Since that is the only thing I can do, ain't it.


Well, read JL's blog, and his reply was expected haha :)
I didn't get why HC wrote that, because they, being good friends, should know the stubborness and in very frank terms, rationality of JL. Oh well, guess that was an attempt. Not a bad attempt I must say. But to the wrong people.

It is true, who in the right mind would want to come for something that has nothing to do with them after they are gone. Well, my answer to that is, then don't come. If you are that unwilling, no matter how, there would be loopholes of any system (especially with a mediocre and not enforced system), and anybody could easily go past them to well, don't come. It's not like I want to trap a bunch of people who 100% doesn't want to stay.

And well, good to see some people at least attending, even if not entirely focused.

For me, I did not want next year to be just wasted. For those who understand what this means, it means next year we gonna make it better and nicer.


Lol, expecting some people to flame, and some silently dis/agreeing.
And for me, I do not care that much :)

Opportunities or facades of it, lies in the eyes of the beholders themselves.

I just treated it with optimism, that is all.

10:20 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009

Yay, the blog just reached its 20th posts.
Not bad, it survived.

Well, I managed to study my Chemistry.
Tomorrow, I shall get a full marks for you all to awe at!
For my A1!

Tomorrow Physics SPA also, but physics SPA seems easy. I am quite positive I will get a high grade.

For Saturday, the effect was not as good as the previous week. To be frank, the lesson was quite boring, although very enriching. Maybe it was because the same games were played like 5 times since I joined Huagang haha.
Those who really listened learned though. That was enough I guess haha.
Guess those who did not come already gave me their answers. Theirs answers to my question.
So oh well, they know what's best for them, and I could not really force them to come.
Because like some people who came, they would be not learning anything at all.

Share a quote from my imba classmate

"Next 2 weeks will be like SPARTA!" - God Wong Hong Jie

And hopefully I will sail through my Chemistry Test and SPA, IHC and IHE, Physics SPA.
Before I meet my Biology, Physics, Chinese common test.

Hopefully, there would be pictures next time to this blog haha.

1:16 AM

"Life stinks, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it." - Dustin Hoffman

That's true for me. No matter how bad life is, you will still love it.


Time is always running,
Just like the waves continue to ebb and recede,

Never know what awaits us,
Never know what is beyond that second of a time.

And what records are legacies of history.
And the art that remains on thy land.


Someday, I will remember everything.
About the fragment which I bound myself to.

12:32 AM
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why bother to change onself because of others?
Why live for the sake for others?

It's your life!
Sieze it and do not let go.
Do not lose sight of your dreams.

Even if you tripped,
Just smile and move on.
What's wrong with failing?
You only get mocked.
You only get trampled upon.

But you still can move on.
And have the wilpower
to advance forward
into the unknown future
that welcomes those who embrace their own lives.

Live with passion. Smile with others.


I have a certain feeling that many people are looking down upon me because I seem to be unknowing.
I have a certain feeling that many people think I am just a weakling because I seem to fragile and skinny.

But I have the feeling that there is no point in incurring wrath now when it does nothing but create more hatred.
But I have the feeling that there is no point in doing anything for now when they are not willing to change.

What should I do?

Wait a little more?


Ah well, looks deceive everything, and undermine my confidence.

11:26 PM
Sunday, August 2, 2009

I wished I could reverse time.

It is interesting to read others' blogs, those emo ones especially when you have did 1 last time that was hypocritical and fake.
Funny to see how those posts are just facades to show one's desire for attention or care. Or rather, be noticed.

I would rather live unoticed. If I could reverse time, back when I was still a foolish fool that knew nothing of what I behold now. And just enjoy my life and slacked together with my friends and had fun randoming out. That would have been much more fun, but would have been quite meaningless.

But that's life I guess, if I chose another way I would not have ended here, whether I like it or not. All tides and paths lead me to today, and shall continue to the future. Who knows, I might really achieve what I want in the future, or maybe even more. But for now, let's just walk one day and see the next.

And for those who do not know, I am appearing offline in MSN coz I do not want to talk to some people haha. Ironically, those people read my blog too sometimes.

Darn, quite little homework has been done. Or rather, none. =.= Guess has been bored for too long. One Piece is nice to read!

11:56 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009

A miracle is all we need.
And since we do not have it, we create it.

Remembered what I wanted in June.
And remembered what it meant to have certain responsibilities.
And remembered the future.

Time erodes memories, feelings evoke them again.

Today's lesson was good, at least members were able to have some takeaways, though I think a lot of them do not understand the purpose of some segments.

Love to come
Willing to come
Willing to come unwillingly
And the ones who don't come at all.
One lesson was able to identify it, although inaccurately.

And well, for those who didn't come, it's their loss and I already forsee that problem.

Time heals scars.
But we do not have that luxury anymore.


Omg, I tio addicted reading manga. Read one piece for 2 days straight without doing homework. =/ Screwed up Mathematics and Chemistry already. Double B3 and a C5.

Desired Outcome:
English - B3
Chinese - B3
IH - Double A1
Physics - A1
Biology - A1 + exemption

Then my MSG = 2.0, which would still be my record-high MSG :)

Wish me luck, coz I am hopeless, but not luckless yet.

And cheer up friends, who cares about one guy with a sad life that does not understand about feelings and friendship, and only about work and merits. Why be sad because of them, if I were you all, I would just feel sad for that guy being so ignorant, even if he is a genius.
Hmm.. doubt you all will read this lol.

And I shall not be following paths that are laid out for me, but open a new skyway for me to advance and smile at the same time.

Soft drizzles,
parting our own ways,
with new lives.

♠ My World ♠
Wants to imagine, wants to dream...
and to turn them into reality

That is why, Velleity
♦ My Dreams ♦
Happy, Fun, and living life to the fullest...
♦   Luvs   ♦
My family, my friends, my life. 华岗
♦ words... ♦

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♦   frenz~   ♦

Shen Yang
Yuan Zhi
Zong Chen
Shuang Xing
Jun Hao
Yi Bin


Xin Rui
Cheng Jun
Han Cheng
John Lim
Ting Jun
Long Jian
Yu Zhou - Dead blog
Xue Zheng
Shien Yang
Zhi Hao
Ding Han
Jing Song


Jia Jian
Zhi Ying
Wei Ren
Yin Hui
Yee Xing Crystal


Si Ting
Yong Sheng
狂欢二笑 - Dead blog
Yun Zhu
IMMAturish People - Almost dead blog
Hui Yi
June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009
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